NE ENLACE Mission:

Demystify career & college pathways through partnerships that foster leadership, collaboration, advocacy, and community stewardship.


New Mexico students confident in their capacities to access career and college pathways aligned with their aspirations, interests, and skills.


ENLACE is derived from the Spanish word “enlazar,” which means to link or weave together, to connect in such a way that the new entity is stronger than its parts. ENLACE is an acronym for Engaging Latino Communities for Education; however, NE ENLACE works with ALL students in northeast New Mexico, regardless of ethnicity, culture, or identity.

NE ENLACE New Mexico represents the voices of children and families to develop educational and policy initiatives that directly impact them and their communities.

We are a network of transformational leaders as diverse as the state we serve. Our collaborative includes students, families, universities, community colleges, school districts, businesses, government agencies, and community organizations. This network is based on a process that empowers communities to express their voices in the pursuit of educational access and success as well as social justice.

ENLACE stakeholders believe that by working collaboratively with our elected officials, we can promote policy that enables us to provide educational opportunities and support for students throughout the state of New Mexico.

NE ENLACE can work with schools and school districts to coordinate and carry-out workshops, short or long term, with students, families, educators, and the community. Programming can include career and college pathway exploration and development; applications for FAFSA, scholarships, college/university, and jobs; resume development; tutoring (at some partner higher education institutions); peer-to-peer mentoring; academic success; and the development of leadership and advocacy skills.

• STUDENT SUCCESS INITIATIVES: Students have opportunities to engage in career and college preparation and planning, allowing their current passions, interests, and skills to drive future success.

• FAMILY, COMMUNITY, SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP: The ability for students to succeed in their education and beyond depends greatly on their families’ involvement and community support. ENLACE New Mexico is dedicated to providing meaningful, collaborative, active connections between students, families, communities, and schools.

• LEADERSHIP AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Students are provided with avenues to engage in a variety of leadership and professional development initiatives each year. These include conferences, colloquia, symposia, workshops, and training sessions in collaboration with state, national, and international partners.

Registration NOW open:

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The NM LDZ is a FREE, week-long student leadership development opportunity for 10th & 11th graders to network with youth leaders from across the state while engaging in the legislative process through policy development. Youth walk away with connections with future-focused youth leaders and gain confidence in their own capacities to advocate for themselves and others, create space for their voices, and develop action-based policies that can impact their communities. Student stay in the Albuquerque – UNM area, opening them up to the possibilities of what it might be like to live on a college campus. Finally, they will practice legislative processes IN Santa Fe’s Round House.

“The person you are walking into this experience is not the same as the person you will be walking out of it.— Gloria de Leon, co-founder of the National Hispanic Institute and LDZ

Want more information before registering? 

Contact Tamara Kumbalek at to set up an informational session with your
sophomores, juniors, and/or their families.

Reminder: Numbers are limited, contact us today!

Breaking Down Barriers: Understanding Hispanic High School Students's Perceptions on the Transition to College


  • LDZ Youth Legislative Session (National Hispanic Institute) – Navigate challenges as you navigate and manage organizations by taking charge of a youth government.
  • NM FFA Leadership Camp (2023) – Engage in leadership workshops, challenging ropes courses, competitive games, and team building.



Thank you so much for sending me the sign-in sheet for the Leadership Summit. We really enjoyed spending time with all the fabulous adults and youth. It was very inspiring to see young people getting out of their comfort zone, using their voice, being passionate and creating a safe and supportive space to learn, share, connect & have fun.
Tessa Medina
Our TMP students had an incredible time and came back engaged and excited what they learned and leadership they shared with others. The Pojoaque folks are simply amazing and collaborate. We look forward to more collaboration and will share this with our principles and teachers. 
Ernest Kavanaugh
Leadership Instructor, The MASTERS Program Early College Charter School @ SFCC


Northeastern New Mexico ENLACE Staff:

Tamara J. Kumbalek, Ed.D.
Associate Director, CESDP at NMHU
NE ENLACE Regional Coordinator
1700 Grande Blvd SE
Rio Rancho, NM 87124

Erwin Rivera
ENLACE Community Resource/Family Specialist
pojoaque highschool


Della Gallegos-Atencio
NE ENLACE Coordinator at
Santa Fe Community College
6401 Richards Ave.
Santa Fe, NM 87508